2200 Software Tracks to Bytes Calculator

Given a number of bytes of 1792-word 2200 software tracks, this will calculate the approximate number industry-standard 8-bit bytes. This is useful when evaluating disk space because non-2200 people usually quote in bytes.

Size in 2200 Software Tracks:


Kilobytes (KB): (rounded to whole number)

Megabytes (MB): (rounded to whole number)

Gigabytes (GB): (rounded to whole number)

Terabytes (TB): (rounded to whole number)

Please Note:

  1. We use KB, MB, GB and TB here to mean thousands, millions, billions and trillions, rather than 2**10, 2**20, 2**30 and 2**40, respectively.
  2. Because the 2200 has 9-bit bytes, the number of 2200 tracks needed to store non-2200 data can vary slightly depending on whether the data is ASCII or binary.
  3. We take no notice of wasted space than can occur on a disk system because it was designed for 8-bit bytes. For example, sometimes a 512-byte (4,096-bit) physical disk record is used to hold 112 words (4,032 bits) of 2200 data, thereby 'wasting' 64 bits per physical record.

Updated 2012-01-16