@ZIP User Reference

Release 3R2D1

Note Well
This version of the ZIP User Reference demonstrates the use of HTML for 2200 program documentation. It's based on documentation included in Ward Condit's ZIP 3R1 release; in addition, the new features of unreleased version 3R2D1 are documented here. Thus, this should not be considered official @ZIP documentation.

Prepared by: Steve J. Martin on 1997-01-01

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Processor Call and Options
  3. Basic (@ED-compatible) Commands
  4. New or Enhanced Basic Commands
  5. Text Reformatting Capability
  6. Symbol Definition
  7. Record Selection
  8. Command Continuation
  9. Counting of Selected Records
  10. Data Extraction
  11. Onsite Printing
  12. Sorting
  13. Processing of PMD-format Printfiles

1. Introduction

ZIP is a fast read-only text processor used for inspection of any SDF (System Data Format) file on the Unisys 1100/2200. Operation is very similar to @ED,R. In most cases the command names and formats are the same. Several new commands are available. ZIP offers the following major advantages over the existing text editor:

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2. Processor call and options

ZIP is called as follows:

     @ZIP,options   filename.element/version

The filename parameter is required. The element/version is optional. Operation is strictly read-only. The input file/element is never modified. The following global options are available:

  B - BRIEF mode.  Same as the editor.  Records are not automatically  
      displayed when addressed via NEXT, +/-,  etc.

  C - LOCATEs and FINDs are case-sensitive.  (Normally they are not.)   

  E - This will disable escape sequences in output.  These are normally 
      used to emphasize embedded control characters and accentuate the  
      ten's digit in SCALE output.  (Control characters will continue to
      be translated, but won't be shown in low intensity or reverse 
      video).  This option is assumed if using batch or breakpointed.   

  F - This provides additional full-screen capability when using FUSION.
      Screen I/O is somewhat more efficient, but the bottom line of the 
      screen is not preserved.  Experiment to see which works best for  
      your terminal/configuration.  This option must be given to use
      FUSION under a pre-41 level EXEC. 

  G - Global search flag.  Normally, when a REFORMAT is active, LOCATEs 
      and FINDs will work against the reformatted record.  If this  
      option is set, the unformatted record will be searched instead.   

  L - Display the current record size (in bytes) at each user prompt.   

  N - This will disable the FUSION package.  FUSION is automatically
      disabled when using ZIP from batch or when breakpointed.  Both
      'N' and 'E' should be set if outputting to an attached printer
      or in other applications where escape sequences are undesired.

  O - This determines the action of the carriage return when given at   
      the command prompt.  In the released version of ZIP, a  will  
      display continuously until the screen is filled, starting at the  
      next record in the file.  If the 'O' option is set, only a single 
      record will be displayed.  If you are using a version of ZIP with 
      the <CRPAGE> parameter set to zero, single-line operation is the  
      default and the 'O' option will enable continuous display.

  P - Print embedded print control images when found in print files.

  Q - Compresses extra blanks from all output, except PRINT.  This also 
      bypasses nonsignificant blanks in LOCATE/FIND operations. 

  S - Normally, after a full screen of output without command input,
      operation is suspended and the CONTINUE:> prompt is displayed.
      A carriage return will produce the next screen of output, and so  
      on.  At any time the current command can be cancelled by entering 
      STOP (or S) at the prompt.  A new command can also be given, which
      will cancel the previous command.  If the 'S' option is set, this 
      enables scrolling output and the CONTINUE prompt is not produced. 

  V - This has meaning only when given on the ZIP call line.  It will   
      disable the automatic load of saved symbols when ZIP is called
      to read a file for which symbols had been previously saved.   

  X - Take ER ERR$ termination if a serious error is encountered.  For
      compatibility with previous releases, this option is never assumed.
  Y - Normally, when used from batch or when breakpointed, ZIP will 
      echo all command input.  The 'Y' option disables this feature.

All options are dynamic. Each can be set and cleared with the ON and OFF commands. Use the OPT command to display current option status.

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3. Basic (@ED-compatible) commands

The following ZIP commands are similar or identical to those used with the ED processor:

number                Moves to the numbered line
+number               Advances number lines   
-number               Backs up number lines   
GO num[+/-offset]     Moves to the numbered line
N                     Advances to the next line 
P num                 Prints num lines (including current line)   
P+ num                Prints num lines (starting at next line)
O num                 Same as P+
P num1 num2           Prints lines from num1 through num2   
                        num1,num2 can be in relative (i.e. N+/-) format 
P!                    Prints the entire file
LNP                   Same as all P commands but includes line number   
Q                     Same as all P commands, extra blanks are omitted  
LNQ                   Same as Q, includes line number   
T                     Positions to the top of the file  
LAS                   Positions to the last line of the file
L string              Locates the next occurrence of    
                        Surround string with single quotes to include 
                        trailing spaces.  If string is omitted, the   
                        previous string is used.
L?                    Displays the current locate string and column limits  
LC string             Locates all remaining occurrences of string 
LC*num string         Locates the next num occurrences of string
LC,num string         Searches the next num lines for all occurrences 
                        of string 
LC[num1,num2] ..      Limits searches to columns num1 thru num2
                         Also allowed with L, LC* and LC,  
LIM L num1 num2       Permanent specification of column limits for L and LC 
TCC char              Specification of transparent locate character 
F string              Same as LOCATE except only strings which begin in 
                        column 1 are located.   
F?  FC  FC*  FC,            Same as LOCATE/LC except match only begin at col. 1.  
TCH char              Specification of transparent find character   
BRI                   Turns on BRIEF mode (global 'B' option)   
VER                   Turns off BRIEF mode  
CASE N|U              Turns case-sensitivity on and off (global 'C' option) 
LOOP count            Queues up a set of commands for repeated processing   
                        (Loop nesting, LPSUB, LPTST, etc. are unsupported)
WAIT numS             Waits num seconds before proceeding 
TIM                   Displays date/time, name of current file/element  
REM                   Comment line.  Commands beginning with an asterisk
                        or a period are also treated as comments.   
EXIT  OMIT  END       Any of these commands will terminate ZIP. 

ZIP can be interrupted at any time with @@X C. As with the text editor, execution is interrupted and the user is positioned at the line that was being processed when the interrupt occurred.

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4. New or enhanced basic commands

The following commands are new or enhanced in ZIP:
CarriageReturn        A carriage return given at the command prompt will
                      display continuously, starting at the next record,
                      until the screen is full.  If the global 'O' option   
                      is set, only the next record will be displayed.   
                      The meaning of the global 'O' option is inverted if   
                      ZIP is generated with  set to zero.   

ON option(s)          Sets one or more global options, as described on  
                      pages 2 and 3.  If more than one option is given, do  
                      not separate with spaces or commas.   

OFF option(s)         Clears one or more global options, same syntax as ON. 

OPT                   Displays options which are currently ON.  

SCA[,F] num1:num2     Displays the current record from byte num1 through 
                      num2.  Multiple lines are used if necessary.  Under 
                      each character is its corresponding column number.
                      The tens digit is displayed in normal intensity and   
                      overlays the units digit for all columns ending in
                      zero.  Units digits for all other columns are shown   
                      in low intensity.   If num1 and num2 are not  
                      given, the entire record is scaled.  This command 
                      is not allowed when positioned at a zero-length   
                      record.  If the 'F' option is given and a REFORMAT
                      is active, the formatted record is scaled.

OCT[,F] num1:num2     Displays the current record in octal, from byte  
                      num1 through num2.  If both parameters are omit-  
                      ted, the entire record is displayed.  This command
                      is not allowed when positioned at a zero-length   
                      record.  If the 'F' option is given and a REFORMAT
                      is active, the formatted record is used.  

WID  width            Selects the current terminal width.  The width  
                      parameter must be either 80 or 132.  80 is assumed
                      for demand, 132 when batch or breakpointed.   

FB                    These commands work exactly the same as FC and LC,
LB                    except that line numbers are not appended to text 
                      that is printed when matching strings are found.  

FR                    These commands work exactly the same as FIND and  
LR                    LOCATE, except that ZIP will return to the starting   
                      record if no matching string is found.

HELP topic       This activates the online HELP facility.  Topic is   
                 either a ZIP command or a general information category,
                 such as FIELD or SYMBOL.  If topic is not given, a   
                 list of topics is displayed.  Some topics have sub-
                 topics for more detailed information.  When using the  
                 HELP facility, the prompt is: HELP [topic].  To get
                 a list of topics, enter a question mark.  To return
                 to basic HELP mode and/or to ZIP command input mode,   
                 enter a carriage return.   

IF identifier    These commands are used to selectively execute one or  
ELSE             more following commands depending on the success or
IFEND            failure of the last FIND or LOCATE command.  The   
                 identifier must be one of the following: 

                 F$   (Last F,FC,FB or FR was successful)   
                 NF$  (Last F,FC,FB or FR was not successful)   
                 L$   (Last L,LC,LB or LR was successful)   
                 NL$  (Last L,LC,LB or LR was not successful)   

                 The IF command is used to start a sequence.  The ELSE  
                 command may optionally follow IF to handle the opposite  
                 condition.  The IFEND command terminates a sequence. 
                 It is possible to nest IF sequences to any depth that
                 is desired (ELSE will always be applied to the innermost   
                 IF in the nest).  LOOPs may contain IF...ELSE...IFEND
                 sequences, or may be contained within them, but loops  
                 cannot be nested within loops. 

SLV  letter      Sets the value of the specified line variable (a single
                 letter, A-Z) to the current line number.  Line variables   
                 may be used in place of numbers with the following com-
                 mands:  P, LNP, O, Q, LNQ, EXT, WRITE, SITE, LNS, COUNT.   
                 The letter 'N' is reserved and always refers to the cur-   
                 rent line number.  This feature was added so a batch run   
                 could use the LOCATE command to find the starting and  
                 ending line numbers for an extracted subset of the input   
                 file.  For example:

                   L start_target 
                   SLV A
                   L end_target   
                   EXT file A N

REA  filename.element/version
                 The REATTACH command allows ZIP to read another file or element
                 into its internal buffer, thereby overwriting the previous one.
                 REA works like the OLD command of CTS or IPF.  SELECT and REFORMAT
                 commands remain in effect.  Thus, when combined with other commands,
                 REATTACH can be used to merge all or parts of files.  Example:
                   @ZIP      ECL.ELT1
                   SEL       1:1<>'@'
                   OPEN,U    TPF$.CARDS
                   REA       ECL.ELT2

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5. Text reformatting capability

In addition to the commands already described, ZIP also has an internal reformatting capability. When activated with the REF command, this will cause specified substrings and/or COMP fields from each input record to be translated in sequence. Each reformatted record will then replace its corresponding 'raw data' record for display and search purposes. The following commands control the reformatting process:
  REF  field1  field2 ... fieldn     Initial REFORMAT 
  REF+  fieldn+1 ... fieldn+x        Append additional fields 
  REF?                                     Display current field parameters 
  UNF                                      Deactivate reformatting  
  REF                                      Re-activate w/prior parameters
Each field takes the following form:

     start:stop,format   where:   

         start is the first column number to process  

         stop is the last column number to process

         format is one of the following:
              A  - Alpha - character string substitution
              AN - Alpha nofill - Same as 'A', no fill characters if the
                   field extends beyond the end of the record   
              AP - Alpha packed - same as 'A', fills and spaces omitted 
              UC - Unsigned COMP field (max 6 characters)   
              SC - Signed COMP field (max 6 characters) 
              UP - Unsigned packed - same as 'UC', leading zeroes omitted   
              SP - Signed packed - same as 'SC', leading zeroes omitted
            start and stop are required.  format is optional and  
            defaults to 'A' if none is specified.
For example, suppose a data record was defined as follows:
     01  MASTER-RECORD. 
         02    EMP-SSN         PIC   X(9).                (cols 1-9 
         02    EMP-NAME        PIC   X(30).                     10-39   
         02    EMP-ADDRESS     PIC   X(60).                     40-99   
         02    EMP-VAC-HRS     PIC   9(5) COMP.                 100-101 
         02    EMP-SICK-HRS    PIC   9(5) COMP.                 102-103 
         02    EMP-BASE-PAY    PIC   9(10) COMP.                104-107)

If you wanted to see name, SSN, vacation, sick and base pay you could reformat this record as follows:

  REF  10:39  1:9  100:101,UC  102:103,UC  104:107,UC   

Reformatted records can also contain literal text. This is useful for preparing simple reports and for clear separation and identification of data fields. Literal text is specified within quoted strings which can be interspersed between fields on the REFORMAT command. For example:

  REF  'Name = ' 10:39  ' SSN = ' 1:9 ' Vacation hrs = ' 100:101,UC 
  REF+  ' Sick hrs = ' 102:103,UC ' Base pay = ' 104:107,UC 
When a field extends beyond current record limits, its position in the reformatted record is wholly or partially replaced with fill char- acters. The default fill character is the period. The FILL command is used to override the default.
  FILL  new character or space
Fields of the 'AN' format (alpha nofill) are not replaced with fill characters if they extend beyond the record limit. In this respect, they can be of variable length. An 'AN' field that is totally outside the original record will add no characters to the reformatted record.

Fields of the 'AP' format (alpha packed) are similar to 'AN' except that spaces are removed as well. 'AP' fields can always be of variable length. A typical use of this format would be formation of ECL output with a columnar list of qualifiers and filenames as input. For example:

  REF  '@PRT,F '  1:12,AP  '*'  13:24,AP  '('  25:27,AP  ').'   
Fields which are not separated by a quoted string are separated by one character. The default ASCII separator is a vertical bar and the default Fieldata separator is a colon. The SEP command is used to override the default.
  SEP,T  This will make the separator an ASCII tab (011).  The  
         records must be ASCII.  Useful for upload to MAPPER.   
  SEP,N  This will suppress all separation between fields, except   
         literal text if present in the REFORMAT command.

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6. Symbol definition

The DEFINE command allows a symbol to be used to describe a specific field in a data record. The symbol can be used with the REFORMAT or SELECT commands instead of the long format whenever desired. Up to 500 symbols can be defined.
  DEFINE    :<,format> 

      can be 1-12 alphanumeric characters, including '$' and '-'.   
              The first character may not be a number.  The same symbol 
              can be redefined as often as desired. 

     :<,format> is identical to the field definition   
                             specification as used with REFORMAT.   
  DEF  EMP-SSN  1:9         (refer to section 5, reformatting)  
  DEF  EMP-NAME  10:39  
  DEF  EMP-ADDRESS  40:100  
  DEF  EMP-VAC-HRS  100:101,UC  
  DEF  EMP-SICK-HRS  102:103,UC 
  DEF  EMP-BASE-PAY  104:107,UC 
Note that the names do not necessarily have to be the same as the COBOL data definitions, it just makes it easier if they are similar.

The REFORMAT in the examples on pages 7,8 could then be given as follows:

  REF  'Name = ' EMP-NAME ' SSN = ' EMP-SSN   
Symbols can also be used with a subscript. For example:
     02  ACCT-NUM          PIC X(10)                      (cols 1-10
         04  SUB-ACCT  OCCURS 5 TIMES  PIC 9(5) COMP.           10-20)
To reformat the master account and sub-accounts 2 and 5, you could:
Symbols can be displayed using the DISPLAY command.
  DISPLAY  symbol 
This shows the value of start,stop, and format for the symbol desired. If symbol is omitted, all defined symbols are listed.

Once a set of symbols has been defined, it can be saved for future use with the SAVE command. SAVE has no options or parameters. Saved symbols are written to an omnibus element in the ZIP library file: SYS$*ZIPLIB$. . Symbols can only be saved when read- ing a FILE (not an element). The SAVE command can be used as often as desired. The most recent set of saved symbols overrides all previous sets.

When the same file is read again with ZIP, the ZIPLIB$ file is searched for a matching set of saved symbols. If found, the symbols are restored during processor initilization. If the same set of saved symbols is desired while reading a different file (or element), the symbols can be restored to the current ZIP session with the command:

  LOAD[,M] qualifier*filename.
The qualifier and filename are required and must match the previous name exactly. The symbol table is erased prior to the load unless the 'M' (merge) option is given. This preserves existing symbols except when a loaded symbol matches an existing symbol, in which case the new symbol replaces the old.

If a symbol is no longer needed, it can be removed with the UNDEFINE command. If the set of symbols is saved again, the deletion will become permanent.


6.1. Reserved symbols

There are two reserved symbols that cannot be defined, deleted or saved. They can be used in REFORMAT, SELECT or KEY parameter lists.
  RL$   represents the length of the current record in characters.  It  
        is an unsigned COMP field of five characters.  When used in a   
        reformatted record,  refers to the original record length. 
        When reformatted records are being sorted,  refers to the  
        formatted record length when used as a KEY parameter.   

  RN$   represents the current record number.  It is an unsigned COMP   
        field of seven characters.  In sort operations,  always
        refers to the original record number.

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7. Record selection

The SELECT command provides a powerful method to affect selection of a subset of records from a file or element based on the contents of one or more data fields. The format is as follows:
 SEL[,opt]  field comp literal  AND|OR f,c,l           ... Initial SELECT   
 SEL[,opt]+  AND|OR f,c,l ...                          Append more criteria 
 SEL?                                                  Display criteria 
 UNS                                                   Deactivate selection 
 SEL[,opt]                                             Re-activate with 
                                                        prior criteria
Each criteria takes the following form:
     field  is either start:stop,format   (same as REFORMAT)
                     or symbol(subscript)   

     comp is one of the following:
            '='  (equal)             '<>'  (not equal)  
            '<'  (less than)         '<='  (less than or equal) 
            '>'  (greater than)      '>='  (greater than or equal)  

            '*=' (contains string)   '*<>' (does not contain string)

     literal is either:   
            'quoted string' or number   
  SEL  1:5='@ACOB' OR 1:3='END' 
  SEL  SUB-ACCT(2) > 4 AND SUB-ACCT(2) < 13 
  SEL+  OR SUB-ACCT(3)=0
  SEL  EMP-NAME *= ', JOHN'   (Select any employee with first name JOHN)
Parenthesis may also be used to specify the order of evaluation of selection criteria. Left parenthesis may precede any complete criteria and right parenthesis may follow any complete criteria. Parenthesis may not be used within criteria, except as subscript delimiters. Examples:
  SEL  (1:3='ABC' OR 1:3='XYZ') AND 4:6='DEF'   
  SEL  (EMP-SSN > 100000000 AND EMP-SSN < 900000000)
  SEL+  AND ((EMP-VAC-HRS > 0 OR EMP-SICK-HRS > 0) OR SUB-ACCT(3) > 0)  
It is important that the number of left and right parenthesis be the same in each set of criteria supplied with SELECT or SELECT+ . It is not possible to use SELECT+ to continue an expression which begins with un- matched parenthesis. When it would be difficult or impossible to specify a matched expression on a single command line, the input may be continued using the semicolon (;). More about this in the next section.

The following options can be given with the SELECT command:

X - Invert the selection criteria.  This will select all records that   
    would NOT have been selected with the standard usage, and bypass
    all records that would have been selected.  

I - This will reestablish normal selection after the 'X' option has 
    been used, without the need to re-input selection criteria.  These  
    two options can be used with complex criteria to separate an input  
    file into two inclusive non-overlapping subsets.

P - This option is used (without additional parameters) to establish a  
    "canned" selection criteria that can be used (with P!) to display 
    the most-often-interrogated portions of a breakpointed ECL file.
    The following records will be selected: 

          1:1='@'                            (any ECL command)  
      OR  1:3='END'                          (processor status line)
      OR  ( 1:3=' **' AND 10:80*='SEV.' )    (COBOL error messages) 

N - This will cause ZIP to remain positioned at the current record, even
    if it is not selected by the new criteria.  This option can be used 
    with either <SELECT> or <SELECT+>.
General selection rules:
  1) All SELECTs work against the original (unformatted) record, even if
     a REFORMAT is in effect.  If a SELECT is active, each record must  
     meet the selection criteria before further processing is allowed.  
     Unselected records are not printed, written out or searched.  This 
     applies to the following commands: 

     P, LNP, O, Q, LNQ, L, LC, LB, LR, F, FC, FB, FR, EXT, WRITE, SITE, LNS 

  2) Executing the SELECT command (or SELECT+) will position to the next
     record in the file that meets the selection criteria, unless the   
     'N' option is used.  From then on, an active SELECT establishes a  
     'program state' which can affect other commands (above).   

  4) When a RANGE of records is specified, i. e. 'P 1 100', only selected   
     records are processed (in this case printed) and the user is left  
     positioned at the last record of the range, regardless of whether or   
     not it was selected.   

  4) When a COUNT of records is specified, i. e. 'P 100', the next <n>  
     selected records are processed and the user is positioned at the   
     last record processed. 

  5) When positioning to a SPECIFIC record or when positioning in the   
     backward direction, i. e. '-100', the specific record is addressed.
     It is not printed, however, if it has not been selected.   

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8. Command Continuation

The SELECT, REFORMAT and KEY commands allow many parameters to be active at one time. It is often impossible to specify all desired parameters on a single command line. One way to specify additional parameters is with the SEL+, REF+ and KEY+ commands. This will work in most cases, but not all. Another way to enter a large number of parameters with these commands is by using the semicolon (;) to continue the command onto the next input line. Continuation is allowed only with SELECT, REFORMAT and KEY. When a semicolon is encountered anywhere except within a quoted string, the com- mand scan is halted at that point and a continuation line is solicited by:
Scanning resumes with the first character of the next line. Several lines may be entered in sequence in this manner. Input is terminated and the completed command is processed when a line is entered without a semi- colon. The maximum allowed length of all continued lines in a group is approximately 2000 characters. Examples:
   100: SEL (10:10=2 OR 10:10=3 OR 10:10=6 OR 10:10=8 ; 
   C-> OR 10:10=9 OR 10:10=12) AND (14:20<>XX;YYY' OR 30:30='X' ; 
   C-> OR 30:30='Y' OR 30:30='Z')   

   200: REF 'Name = ' 10:32 ' Address = ' 40:68 ' Zipcode = ' 78:82 ;   
   C-> ' Phone = ' 120:128 ' Emp. ID = ' 1:9

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9. Counting of selected records

When using SELECT, it may occasionally be necessary to find out how many records in a given range (or within the whole file) match the current selection criteria. The COUNT command provides this information with a minimum of additional processing overhead. The command is as follows:
The parameter format is exactly the same as PRINT. The matching count is displayed and the user is positioned at the end of the range. The COUNT command may only be given when a SELECT is active.

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10. Data extraction

The EXTRACT command is used to write out all or part of a file or element to another file or element. The output type (file/elt) does not have to be the same as the input type. The format and action of EXTRACT is the same as PRINT (P), except that the output file/element must be named directly following the command.
  EXT[,opt][+|!]  filename.elt/version n1 n2
The output file must exist (catalogued or assigned temporary) and if an element/version is given it must either be empty or be a program file. The action of this command will create a new file or element, NOT append to existing data. If a SELECT is in effect, only those records which meet the selection criteria are written to the output file. In all cases, only records within the range specified are output. Examples:
  EXT  DATA-OUT. 1 100               Writes records 1 thru 100  
  EXT+  PROG1.DATA1  200             Writes the next 200 records
  EXT!  PROG1.DATA2/VERS1            Writes the entire file 
If a REFORMAT is in effect when an EXT command is given, the normal action is to ask the user whether formatted or unformatted records are to be output. If the 'F' or 'U' option is given, the corresponding record type is output without the preliminary query/response. If the input file is a print file and formatted output records are being written, use of the 'S' option will preserve original line spacing.

10.1 Alternate Method Data Extraction

An alternate method of data extraction is available if it is desired to write multiple groups of records to the same output file or element. This is done with the OPEN, WRITE, and CLOSE commands.

   OPEN[,opt]  filename.elt/version 
   WRITE[,opt][+|!]  n1 n2  
The output file must exist and meet the same conditions required for EXTRACT. Also, it will be assigned exclusively until closed. The 'F' or 'U' option must be given with OPEN and will be the default record type unless overridden on the WRITE command. WRITE has three other options for printfile output: 'T' inserts a top-of-page and 'P' a laser page feed preceding the output records. If formatted records are being written, use of the 'S' option will preserve original line spacing.

Only one file can be open at a time. While an output file is open, the EXT, SITE and LNS commands are not allowed. All other commands remain fully functional.

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11. Onsite printing

The SITE and LNSITE commands work the same as their counterparts in the @ED processor. The selected range of records are written to an internally-created file and the file is SYMmed to the desired site. All records which exceed 132 characters (124 for LNSITE) are split into as many output lines as required, so truncation will not occur at the printer. Carriage control for print files is removed, as are print control records. A user-supplied page heading is inserted in the output. The site-id parameter defaults to PR (the onsite printer) if not given. Format:
  SITE[,opt][+|!] n1 n2  site-id  
  LNS[,opt][+|!]  n1 n2  site-id   
  SITE  1 250  HOLDQ
  LNS!  PR  
If a SELECT is in effect, only selected records are sent to the printer. If a REFORMAT is active, the user is asked for the type of record to output. As with EXTRACT, the 'F' or 'U' option can be used to omit the need for the query/response. The 'T' option can be used to suppress the trailer page from the print file.

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12. Sorting

Output files and elements can be sorted before being written. The KEY command specifies the sort key(s) and sort order and is specified as follows:
  KEY  field1[,A|,D] ... fieldn[,A|,D]         Initial KEY  
  KEY+  fieldn+1[,A|,D]  ...                   Append additional sort keys  
  KEY?                                         Display current sort keys

    field is either start:stop,format   (same as REFORMAT)  
                   or symbol(subscript) 
The first field is required, others are optional. Each field may be followed with either 'A' or 'D' to indicate ascending or descending sort order. If not specified, ascending order is the default. Key fields are always specified from most significant to least significant. If reformat- ted records are being sorted, the key fields apply to the unformatted record. It is not necessary that the key be contained in the reformatted record in order to use its data to determine the sort order.

Once keys have been defined, the SDEF command may optionally be used to set sort parameters. The parameters are approximated if not specified, but it is sometimes necessary and usually more efficient to use this command, as follows:

  SDEF  DATA=A|F,NUM=record_count,RSZ=record_size 
The DATA parameter specifies the character set of output records (ASCII or Fieldata). If not given, the character set of the first record is used.

The NUM parameter specifies the number of records to sort. This is approximated from the size of the input file, but if the input file is large and only a few records are to be sorted, it is much more efficient to specify it here.

The RSZ parameter specifies the maximum record size in characters. This is required if if unformatted records with more than 132 records are to be sorted, except when using a PCIOS file for input. If the maximum record size is known, it is always best to specify it here.

After sort keys and parameters have been defined, a sort can be initiated by using the 'K' option on any of the following commands: EXTRACT, OPEN, SITE or LNSITE. ZIP uses the SORT/MERGE product to perform all requested sorts. This code is normally non-resident to mimimize memory use. At most one scratch file will be allocated for a sort, so large sorts (more than 1000 tracks) are best performed using some other product.

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13. Processing of PMD-format printfiles

The FIND ADDRESS commands can be used when reading a printfile which contains dump output from the PMD processor. They make it very easy to locate specific addresses within the dump.
  FA  absolute_address
  FAR relative_address
Starting from the current position, the input file is searched for the next record which contains the address specified. The first column of addresses is searched for relative addresses, the second for absolute addresses. The address parameter must be in octal format - the leading zero may be omitted. If address is not given, the previous value is used. Either command can be followed with a question mark to display the previous values.

When a find is made, the most recent non-numeric line of text is displayed first. This is usually the header which contains the element name, bank name and location counter information. Nothing is displayed prior to the current line if no non-numeric text was encountered. If the address requested occurs within a 'LINES SKIPPED' message, the address of the first word of data within the group is also displayed.

These commands operate only with PMD-format dumps, and require very specific input data. If the addresses do not begin in the correct columns or if the 'SKIPPED' messages are in a different format, it is unlikely that the requested address will be located. The commands will not operate if a SELECT or REFORMAT is in effect, and processing will halt if any record is encountered which is longer than 132 characters.

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